Preparing to leave

Above is a page from our flotilla tracker. You can see small dots, which represent boats doing the trip with us.

Today we are doing last minute preparation to leave the USVI. One more trip to the store. Ian kitted up in the diving gear and gave the boat bottom a once over to add to our speed. All the trip paperwork is organized to checkout of the USVI and into Puerto Rico. We are cleared for a cruising permit upon arriving in Hampton, VA. We will be stowing the tender and removing its outboard for the passage. All clothes and personal items need to be stowed because at this point we don’t know what sailing conditions we be like.

This is another view showing boats that have left in previous weeks.

There are a total of 200+ boats going back to the states with various start dates. There 55 boats leaving at the same time as we are. The 3 popular routes are south of the Bahamas, north of the Bahamas (but crossing the gulf stream while still in Florida) or further north over open water up to the Chesapeake Bay and further north. We are heading on the third route along with 15 other boats. The flotilla gives us weather forecasts tailored to our route as well as Coast Guard tracking. There is a radio call every morning at 7 and every evening at 8 for all boats to check in and confirm their positions. Traveling by flotilla definitely has advantages if you schedule permits.

We will certainly miss St. Croix! If you wish follow along with our progress, our position will update every 4 hours at

One thought on “Preparing to leave”

  1. Ahoy Capt’n Jerry!! Love the blog updates . . . this is without a doubt, the best way to ride out a pandemic that I’ve seen so far . . . nice!! I wish you and your mates a safe voyage, and I’ll be checking for updates during your trip. Looks like you’ve had a very relaxing, fun time in St. Croix, but now it’s time for the serious work to begin! I wish you Godspeed!

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