Here We Go Again!

On location in the US Virgin Islands!

I find myself onboard a 56 foot cruising yacht in Christiansted Harbor, Saint Croix, USVI! In quarantine for COVID 19 preparing for an open water passage to the the east coast of the US, specifically Hampton, VA.

First I should back up and fill in the blanks on how I got here. While I experiencing the effects of the world being caught the grips of this pandemic, I realized that my spring and potentially my summer had taken a turn for worse. I went from planning on working in Chicago for the spring and summer as a charter boat captain on sailboats, to joining the ranks of job seekers displaced by the pandemic. We were right on the cusp of the sailboat season about to prepare boats for the water when the shelter in place order became a reality. Just before Easter I answered a phone call from a London exchange asking me If I was available to crew aboard a sailboat needing to leave the Caribbean bound for the East Coast. Apparently, the owner‘s usual crew were unable to join him due to the international travel ban. Since I was in the US, he could fly the USVI and I would be able join him while not having to leave the country!


Ian, the owner of Yantina and our captain, has logged over 80,000 miles on Yantina including a circumnavigation! He has personally setup the systems of the boat and is very knowledgeable on boats as well sailing. Case in point, last night we discussed the merits of lithium batteries vs. gel batteries and solar for cruising. Given his experience he is a wealth of knowledge and an excellent conversationalist.

Dennis, as you may remember if you are familiar with this blog and the fall trip I took, has agreed to reprise his role as Cookie. Dennis has long and varied sailing experience having been a captain, boat owner and Salty dawg Rally participant on many occasions.

Patrick is a Chicago sailor out of Belmont Harbor who is very knowledgeable about Lake Michigan, but less so on the Ocean. He just recently sat for his Masters Credential and is in the process of becoming a captain.


The Good Ship Yantina!!

Yantina is an Oyster 56 Center Cockpit with 2 state rooms and bunk room for crew. She fully outfitted for Bluewater passages and is the most capable I have ever been on.

I share the forward state room with the spinnaker.

Ian and I will be in Saint Croix for awhile waiting for Dennis and Patrick to arrive. Then we need quarantine for awhile before the passage. We don’t want to have anyone become sick while we are underway!

More on the plane ride from Chicago later!

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