We spent a couple of days getting things done around the boat. The big project was replacing the rail screw plugs as described above. This project brought into to sharper focus the language barrier between the captain and crew. An example, I was given the instruction: “Give each plug a good bash, but leave them proud for sanding.” Which translates to, hammer in the plugs being careful to leave it sticking up a bit so it can be sanded level.
We were also oriented on the process of preparing the boat for sailing for daysailing verse passage making. Like properly stowing sunshades and securing items that can fall and break. Anchoring up and down procedures, we had a little learning on the job situation when the power windlass overheated and we had use the halyard (line up the mast) along with a power winch as a substitute. We also were oriented on the proper way to wash down the boat after a sail to clean the salt off the gel coat and chrome.

Ian treated us to quite the meal as I described above. Evening we continue to choose between canasta, Mexican train. Dominos or sometimes just heading to bed with the day in the sun taking enough out of you.