Destination: Annapolis.

Good Morning Annapolis! We awoke to the reveille of the Star Spangled Banner, I think this will be a daily occurrence.

We are now safely at anchor just outside the harbor in Annapolis. I have to admit it is a truly special boating destination. Sailboat are everywhere as well as power boat or anything that floats for that matter. We had some provisioning to do so we took the dinghy up one of the inlets as far we could go and came up through someone’s backyard and walked to the grocery store. It is a great town to get around by boat. The sights from the water were great. Boats, houses, scenic shores, you name it.

Annapolis is truly a great boating destination just puttering through the inlets and harbors is great sightseeing…
You see one of a kind boats like this one.
For landlubbers, there are gorgeous homes.
Super yachts!
And really cool tri-marans.

Today we took the dinghy into the city dock in the center of town just to sight see on foot. There were quite a few people around. Unlike the Carolinas, masks were worn in all shops. It nice to get in a walk and stretch your legs and I have to admit the town has an east coast sailing vibe which I obviously enjoy!

I should digress at this point about Americans verses English in the Ian’s eyes. He is having a bit of an issue with everyone saying hello to him, they say hello on the street, wave from boats. He was asking, “What is wrong with you Americans, everyone is waving and saying hello?” At one point he was floored when a woman said hi to us on the street, “She is alone and just said hi to two blokes walking down the street, that would never happen in the UK.” I think he has come full circle now because moments ago, he exclaimed, “Hey that couple didn’t wave back?” To which I retorted, “They may know your English and don’t want to.”

When at anchor you are sometimes wondering whether captains are watching where they are going? Such as this daysailer.
He finally turned but he asked why we had not moved.
He was rather indignant to my response…”We are at anchor”
We have even seen a few pontoons just like on the inland lakes of the Midwest. I had to put a picture in because upon seeing this one, Ian exclaimed it looked so hideous he it found offensive. So much for UK/US relations.

2 thoughts on “Destination: Annapolis.”

  1. Great pics, and stories . . . ahhh no need to rush back to Chicago . . . city’s not quite the same as when you left!

    1. I gather that. I realize how fortunate I am to have this experience while Chicago is in distress.

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